Kait Bream

Peer Mentor (She/Her/Hers)


SPECIAL INTERESTS: Trauma Recovery | anxiety & depression | C-PTSD | ADHD & Autism | birth trauma | peri- and post-natal depression | medical trauma | disordered eating | auto-immune disorders & chronic illness

Kait was born and raised in a small-ish town in Western Wisconsin. Although she had a fairly typical midwest-in-the-90’s childhood, she always knew that she was a little different.

Kait spent her childhood fighting against broken systems within her family of origin, the public schools, and the medical system that all refused to acknowledge the things she was going through and get her the help she needed.

By the time she hit her teen years, she was burnt out and exhausted. She was diagnosed with anxiety and depression and struggled to get through high school while dealing with undiagnosed chronic illness and mental health disorders. Post graduation, Kait bounced around at a few colleges and struggled with trying to find herself. She got caught up in abusive, toxic relationships and did what she could to find ways to run from her pain and cope with trauma including struggles with food and alcohol.

Kait met her husband in her early 20’s and they quickly went from single people to a family with the birth of their first son. The transition to motherhood awoke something in Kait and she has spent the last decade doing the hard work of processing her trauma and learning as much as possible to help herself and those around her. The experience of raising children with their own struggles led Kait to her own late diagnosis of Autism and ADHD which has allowed for a deep look back and deconstruction of her own childhood and healing while learning new ways to help herself and her family thrive. She has advocated for her kids within the school and medical system and has finally got her family on a path to true wellness with support and care.

Kait has her associate’s degree in Early Childhood Education with an emphasis in human growth and development and trauma-informed care. After experiencing a traumatic childbirth she went on to become a childbirth educator and doula. She has certifications in Therapeutic Coaching, NLP, HNLP, Hypnosis, and Reiki. She spent years leading a local Mom’s Group and volunteering with a local playgroup to create a safe space for moms as they go through the early parenting years and all of the happiness and challenges that come along with parenting. She also worked as a director of a non-profit that supported children and families experiencing poverty and systemic trauma.

Now, Kait is a 30-something mom of three wild, neurodiverse boys who spends her days hanging out with her family and two crazy pups. She loves learning and taking classes that explore new ideas surrounding mental health, neurodiversity, and bodywork for trauma. She loves to create beautiful things and enjoys taking on house projects with her handy husband. They also enjoy spending time outside whether in the garden or at the beach. She believes that everyone deserves a place to feel safe, loved, heard, and inherently valued as a person, and strives to live her life in a way that those around her feel that. She has a strong desire to help fix the broken systems in our society instead of allowing people to be broken to fit into those systems.  

She has lived experience with childhood trauma, sexual abuse, anxiety, depression, C-PTSD, ADHD, Autism, birth trauma, peri- and post-natal depression, medical trauma, disordered eating, auto-immune disorders and chronic illness.